
Art for Newtown/Sandy Hook

Art for Newtown/Sandy Hook

Like many people, I’ve been thinking a lot about Sandy Hook. When I first heard about the terrible shootings last month, I couldn’t really digest what was happening and my first reaction was to block it out. Tragedy always paralyzes me and what could I possibly do to help those innocent children after the fact? I avoided the newscasts and headlines, knowing they would only break my heart.

As the weeks passed I felt more and more disquiet. I had to do something – WE had to do something. So I spoke to my friends, fellow artists, and tried to come up with a plan, but things remained amorphous, and I didn’t want any empty gestures.

But last week I found out about the Sandy Hook School Support Fund, from the United Way of Western Connecticut. They are helping the survivors and the people of Newtown/Sandy Hook, by providing support services and resources as needed. From counseling to financial support, I know the families of the victims could use such services, and I was so happy there was a way I could help.

2013_01portraitsSo, to raise as much money as possible, I am auctioning off a custom, hand-drawn portrait, in support of the Sandy Hook School Support Fund – highest bidder gets a portrait of whoever they want me to draw; and the people who need it most, get 100% of the auction price, directly through eBay.

It’s really hard not knowing what to do to help people who are far away, whom you don’t know, and not being able to fathom how much they’ve been through. But hopefully, this little bit will contribute to the combined efforts of us all, to show our love and support.

If you would like to have a portrait done for yourself, of a loved one or family pet, and would like 100% of the proceeds to go to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund, please go to my live auction here ». It ends on January 29th, 2013, and more info can also be found on my Causes page. Thanks so much and God Bless <3

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