
Behind the Scenes in the Art Studio

Behind the Scenes in the Art Studio

Hellooooo from the art studio 😀! I’ve been working hard and I wanted to share with you, a few behind the scenes clips, on a sculpture which is very nearly done – yay! 🙌💃


And for more videos and updates like this one, be sure to like and follow me on Facebook, at Facebook.com/ArtByAdesina

Adesina ❤❤❤


¡Holaaaaa desde el estudio de arte 😀! Estoy trabajando mucho y quisiera compartir un video detrás de escena ¡sobre una escultura cual está casi completa! 🙌💃

Y para más videos y noticias como ésta, por favor siguenme en Facebook, en Facebook.com/ArtByAdesina


Adesina ❤❤❤

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  1. Malikye

    Hi Adesina,

    How long have you been sculpting? Amazing work by the way. Saw your Instagram page, and just had to visit your website. Love your message!

    • Adesina (Author)

      Hi Malikye!

      Thank you so much for stopping by :). I began sculpting when I was a kid, back in the 1980’s. My very first pieces were PlayDoh sealed off with clear nailpolish! But I quickly graduated to “real” clay lol, and I enjoyed making and selling small figurines, like this polar bear http://adesina.com/portfolio/polar-bear-ball/

      Aw thank you, I find that art is my favorite way to express myself. Are you an artist as well?

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