
Just Fired – Mini Goddess Ceramic Sculpture

Just Fired – Mini Goddess Ceramic Sculpture

Look what just came out of the kiln! I’m always so excited when a new piece emerges, like a phoenix, from the flames. The transformation from impermanence to (semi) permanence reminds me of reincarnation, like a little death that actually brings eternal life.

I don’t mean to get spiritual, but in this case it’s particularly important, because this mini ceramic piece is a sculpture of a goddess. I was walking through the Greek and Roman galleries at the Met recently, and noting all of the impressive sculptures and busts of gods and goddesses, and thought, why can’t we create our own mythology? One that borrows from ancient traditions, but is tailored to what we need from our spiritual guides, in our own, modern lives?

With that in mind, here’s a short video with some of the steps I took to create her:


Now, there’s more to the story behind this piece, but I’ll save it for after the glaze is done. And by the way, the pearls are not part of the sculpture, but they used to belong to my grandmother, who is also an artist, and I when I saw them out of the corner of my eye as I was photographing my art, I just felt compelled to include them :).

Stay tuned for more,

Adesina <3

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